House Fire
A little over a week ago we had a fire in our bathroom. Fortunately, it was contained to just the bathroom and the firefighters arrived...

What Blog?
Hello 2019! It's a new year and the same Paige. I had thought I'd give that photo a day thing a try again, but here I am on day 6 and...

Emily - Senior Photography Kansas
I am very far behind in posting this blog but here we are and I’m absolutely in love with Emily’s senior photos. I remember when Emily...

Looking forward
I have a lot of things I want to do with my photography. There are so many things I want to talk about, and just ideas I want to bounce...

Long time no post
As you all have noticed, I failed to complete my 365 day challenge. Hard. At the end of the year, I'll regret that I didn't get a picture...

Project 365 Week 6&7
It's been a couple weeks since I blogged and I'm super far behind. This year has been sooo slow professionally and sooo crazy at home....

Project 365 Week 5
Week five might have been the longest week this year. My Jimmy turned 5 on Thursday! We partied on Saturday! Griffin and I are both sick...

Project 365 Week 4
4 weeks already? Alright. I updated my entire website so if you haven't checked it out you should. I had my first session of the year,...

Project 365 Week 3
This past week has been a mess. Matrim and Jimmy have both been sick, they had two snow days from school, and Griffin hurt his leg...

Project 365 Week 2
I debated on if I wanted to keep this once a week or if I wanted to switch to posting about each day, and after the results of the...